Field Services - Cathodic Protection Services
Corrosion Control Engineering deploy highly experienced and qualified engineers and technicians to perform various field testing activities and onsite surveys for routine maintenance and other special projects. These services include:
- Cathodic protection installation, commissioning and maintenance for a variety of onshore, offshore and civil (concrete) based impressed current and sacrificial anode systems. These include pipelines, steel reinforced concrete, storage tanks, bridges, tunnels, marine vessels, offshore platforms / FPSOs, mine sites, petrol stations, wharves, jetties and ports
- Cathodic protection system audits and troubleshooting
- Offshore pipeline and structure CP surveys
- Pipeline CP & coating defect surveys (including CIPS & DCVG)
- Induced HVAC / low frequency induction surveys and investigations.
- Earthing system investigations
- Electrical interference surveys / electrolysis
- Soil Resistivity surveys
- Project support of pipeline pigging, inspection and integrity management contracts
- Plant corrosion audits / assessments
- Potential mapping of reinforced concrete structures
- Coating Inspection & Reporting
- Data logging surveys
- HDD current density surveys
- Marine vessel electrolysis inspections
- Shipping / dry dock inspections
- Continuity Testing
- HV Spark testing of pipeline coatings/ storage tanks for underground service and tank internal coatings
- GPS Locating & Mapping
- Pipeline excavation, direct assessment & NDT
- CP Training
Our Experience Delivers Solutions.
CCE have been delivering turnkey corrosion control solutions throughout Australasia since 2003.