DC Current Clamp Meters (Swain)
Corrosion Control Engineering supplies portable DC current clamp ammeters by Swain Meter. Swain meters are field-portable, non-contact ammeters for corrosion protection, fault location, and quality assurance. They are used to determine current magnitude and direction as well as locate shorts and interference.
CCE also supplies and provides offshore services for the SEA CLIP™ by Swain Meter – a high quality, hydraulically actuated clamp-on DC ammeter for ROV use. It is useful for measuring DC currents in subsea cables, cathodic protection systems, and subsea pipes up to 4” in diameter.
Swain Clamps
Contact us to discuss your Swain Clamp needs.
Our Experience Delivers Solutions.
CCE have been delivering turnkey corrosion control solutions throughout Australasia since 2003.